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Message Delivery

Written by JC on January 4, 2025

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Imagine your message is like a block with a specific shape—maybe it’s a triangle, a square, or a circle. To send it to someone, you have to pass it through a mailbox. But there is a tunnel connected in the mailbox before it will go through someone. The tunnel has its own unique shape, and it’s different for every person. For one person, the tunnel might be a triangle. For another, it might be a circle or something more complex. You can’t see the shape right away.

To figure it out, you need to peek inside the mailbox and check what kind of shape the tunnel has. If your block doesn’t match the tunnel’s shape, it won’t go through.

The solution? Before sending your message, take the time to understand the person. Peek inside their “mailbox” by learning what interests them or how they see things. Then, reshape your block—your message—so it matches their tunnel.

When your message fits their shape, it will flow through easily, and they’re much more likely to accept it.